The Making of Write_On
The Write_On Campaign is a labor of love. It couldn't happen without the abundance of skills, talents and passion of the many people who come together to create the annual Write_On Challenge. Each year, seeds of inspiration are planted, ideas percolate, cards and products are made. About ten months later, we debut not only Write_On Kits and Party Packs, but an entire program designed with one goal in mind: To encourage people to connect with one another in a meaningful way via the hand-written letter!
This year, we documented our planning and production process so that we could share a few of the important steps with you. Read on and you'll meet members of our team, see what makes a letterpress card so unique, and find yourself more inspired than ever to complete the Challenge. And, no matter how many letters you end up writing this month, remember: Write_On is more than a 30 day challenge, it is a movement that creates a better world — one in which people engage in authentic communication with one another. Thank you for joining us!
The Wall of Inspiration in the Egg Press Studio.
Eunice and Sabrina of Hello!Lucky in their San Francisco studio.
Letter-writing Kit design phase begins after our team has reviewed feedback from the prior year's Write_On participants. We ask ourselves, "What worked with the design? What didn't?" We ponder how to create cards that serve as tools for reaching out and connecting with one another. One card doesn't fit all, but our designs attempt to work for most. After a design review by the Write_On team, we finalize artwork and order the plates that will be used to print each card.
The printing presses we use today were historically utilitarian workhorses, employed to create ephemera with individual pieces of wood or metal type set by hand. Today, we use polymer plates to bring our bold designs to life. The creation of plates involves a photo-sensitive process where the design is transformed from a computer file into a printable relief form.
With our newly designed plate locked up and ready to go, we mount it to the press bed on one of our Heidelberg Windmill printing presses. Blank paper is stacked on a feed table where, sheet by sheet, it gets fed through the press in a windmill like fashion--thus the press' namesake.
The polymer plate with Egg Press' Write_On card design affixed to a base and ready to be placed on the press.
Our printers mix ink by hand to meet the specifications of our designs. Ink is applied to the press, and we're off! One by one, sheets of paper are moved into place and an impression is made.
All of our Heidelberg Windmill printing presses date from the 1950's and 1960's.
Cards are displayed on the presses so that printers can check each card coming off the press for accuracy of registration and color.
Stacks and stacks of Write_On cards! All of our cards are printed on Mohawk Via Vellum Bright White paper.
Once printed, crop marks delineate where paper will be scored and punched out, otherwise known as “die-cut”. Mohawk Paper provided all of the Via Vellum Bright White paper we used in the creation of the letter-writing kits, an entire pallet of beautiful paper! This photo gives a glimpse into what 50,000 Write_On cards looks like after having been printed, scored and die-cut. They are now ready to join forces with their matching envelopes, nifty insert, and a pen. They are getting closer and closer to becoming your kit!
After thoughtful research into the best way to present the kit contents to you, our packaging team pulls all the pieces together. This year, we worked closely with Sakura of America to color coordinate the Gelly Roll pens they generously included in all of the kits going to those of you in North America. And, we worked with Mohawk Paper to craft custom envelopes to help you track your letter-writing progress, while showcasing your participation in the campaign with each card you send.
The 2017 Write_On Kit debuts!
Finally, we take pictures. Lots and lots of pictures, so that we can showcase the kits in a way that helps you know what you'll be receiving when you place your order. The only thing more exciting than seeing the kits complete and having engaging and innovative programming to deliver, is experiencing the passion with which you all embrace Write_On. We look forward to seeing your beautiful letters and to hearing about all of the connections you make this month. Write_On is bigger than a 30 day challenge or a kit of cards. It is a simple but powerful journey that we enjoy taking with you each year. Together, through letters, we can create a world rich in goodwill and meaningful relationships. Write_On!
Christa Fowles, resident Write_On 2017 photographer, styles Write_On Kits and Party Packs in the beautiful Schoolhouse Electric Building, where the Egg Press studio and production facilities are located in Portland, Oregon.