Inflection Point: Interview with Lauren Schiller and Write_On

Lauren Schiller's show Inflection Point: Conversations with Women Changing the Status Quo has been one of our favorites ever since it came on our radar last year. So we were thrilled to be invited as her guests to discuss Write_On.  

We truly do believe that letter-writing is at an inflection point. As Gina, a letter-writer we met on Thursday, said: campaigns like Write_On are simply providing a "signal boost" to thousands of individuals who are already out there sending handwritten letters to deepen human connections amidst a wall of digital noise. You guys are our beacons. Write_On!

Love letter to Pam

We received an anonymous Write_On submission that we just couldn't pass up sharing...

About 30 + years ago the mother of a school-friend died rather suddenly and, after clearing out her things, the daughter asked if I would like all her old dressmaking patterns and hoard of fabric. They were a well-to-do family and the mother was always effortlessly elegant and soignée and here were some beautiful items of both pattern and fabric from the 1950's when she had been a debutante.

Some years later when I went to use one of the patterns I found this letter inside the Lanvin Castillo design. 

I've no idea if anyone ever knew of the admirer/lover, somehow it's more poignant not knowing - a little touch of Madame Bovary or a sub-plot from a Trollope or Dickens novel.


Read On, Write_On!

As we bring this year’s Write_On Campaign to a close, we find ourselves wondering: how will we keep our letter-writing practice going?  Luckily, these wonderful books are here to inspire your letter-writing all year long:

Dear Mr. You, by Mary Louise Parker

Actress Mary Louise Parker’s debut literary work traces the arc of her life through letters written to the men who have influenced it, both real--such as her father--and imagined.  Beautifully written and lovingly crafted, the book reveals just how meandering, carefully observed, and creative a letter can be.  You’ll find additional inspiration in her warm and engaging interview with Inflection Point Radio’s Lauren Schiller.

I Will Always Write Back: How One Letter Changed Two Lives, by Martin Ganda and Caitlin Alifirenka

In this true story, a middle class American girl becomes pen pals and, eventually, best friends with a boy from a Zimbabwe slum thanks to a class writing assignment. A dual memoir alternating between their perspectives, it shows how the simple act of writing a letter can lead to mutual understanding and transformation.

If You Find This Letter: My Journey to Find Purpose Through Hundreds of Letters to Strangers, by Hannah Brencher

TED speaker Hannah Brencher’s memoir describes how, fresh out of college and depressed, she began writing love letters to strangers and leaving them in bathroom stalls, doctor’s office, and all over New York City.  400 letters later, she had discovered a deeper sense of purpose and revealed how a letter can be the ultimate random act of kindness.  Hannah’s campaign The World Needs More Love Letters, mobilizes people worldwide to write love letters to those in need.

Mr. Jameson and Mr. Phillips by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat

Though out of print, this charming children’s book tells the story of two friends -- a writer and an artist -- who seek to get away from the crowds and realize that they’ve each found true happiness when they’ve made enough creative space to send each other a Christmas card. A prescient and timely reminder for kids today on the value of unplugging and the true meaning of friendship.


Designer Q&A: The Great Lakes Goods

There is nothing better than getting mail that isn’t junk.

We sat down with Rose Lazar of The Great Lakes Goods and asked her a few questions about how she got started and where she see the future of letter-writing heading. Be sure to check out the rest of our Designer Q&As after this. 

Write_On:  Tell us about yourself!  What’s your background and what drew you to design cards and stationery?
Rose: My name is Rose Lazar and I'm the founder of The Great Lakes Goods.  I'm a printmaker by trade and when I was starting to think about a great way to make prints and connect with people, stationery seemed like a natural fit.  I always think about the card design as being made for someone specific.  Whether it's for a friend or family member or in reaction to something I've seen or heard, they feel like their made with someone in mind.  

Write_On: How would you describe your design aesthetic?
Rose: My design aesthetic is influenced by the 60's arts and crafts movement.  It's important to me to see the hand in everything that I make.  

Write_On: How do you use your designs to inspire people to connect in writing?
Rose: Each time I make a new card design, I hope that people feel the touch of sentimentality in each design.  And thru that it reminds them of someone the card is perfect for.  Whenever I get the opportunity to do craft or trade shows, I love seeing how people react to the cards as they realize it's perfect for someone that they know.

Write_On: What does your process look like for creating a new card or stationery design?
Rose: I print all of the cards by hand using the process of screen printing.  So, every design starts as a black and white drawing that I do by hand.  The color comes through the process of printing them. 

Write_On: How have hand-written letters shaped your life and relationships?
Rose: When I was really young, I had a grade school teacher that I loved who was leaving school to become a nun.  She was going to Italy and travel throughout Europe and before she left she suggested we become penpals.  I was 7 years old and loved every minute of it.  My mom would take me to buy letter writing paper and supplies and nothing made me happier.  And then every few months I'd get these letters and postcards with fantastic postage stamps and know that it had come from somewhere far away.  It inspired me to always write letters or send cards for any occasion. 

Write_On: What do you find most difficult about writing a letter?
Rose: Being ok with having nothing to say! Just sending a note to say hi can make someone's day.

Write_On: What does your letter-writing practice look like?
Rose: It's very spur of the moment.  I'm always in my studio so there's plenty of supplies around to decorate envelopes and such.  But, I never send my own cards.  I always send fellow designers and friends cards that I love. 

Write_On:  Modern times have made digital correspondence increasingly available and convenient. Why is it important for people to send handwritten cards and letters?
Rose: There is nothing better than getting mail that isn't junk.  

Write_On: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received about letter-writing?
Rose: I don't know if I've received advice about it! I've always just done it so, sometimes people expect a card. And often they're late ;)

Write_On: What’s the next letter you’re planning to write?
Rose: Gotta put some special notes and things together for all those special moms in my life.

Write where you are, with Eric Hunter

Since the beginning of April there have been 4,110 #write_on mentions on Instagram and perusing them has been a favorite pastime. As the month progressed we began to notice one person's photos in particular, partly because they always seemed to feature something delicious-looking to eat or drink, partly because they were shared by a man, and mostly because he was inspiring in the way he made letter-writing a routine part of his busy day, regardless of where he was or what he was doing. We've followed him all month as he's written letters on the NY Subway, in Irish pubs, at a work breakfast, in the back of a taxi, and on a trip back to his hometown for a high school reunion.

His name is Eric Hunter (@ericwhunter) and we got so curious about him that we decided to get in touch and see if he might be willing to tell us more about himself and his Write_On adventure. He graciously consented. Thank you Eric!

1. Tell us about yourself!  What’s your background? What's an average day look like for you?

I'm a big skier. In the winter, you can find me on the slopes in either upstate New York or out West. And I like to spend the summer at the beach on either Fire Island or in Provincetown.

I moved to New York City, where I have lived for nearly 17 years, from my hometown of Cincinnati to pursue a career in magazine publishing. Cards, letters, books, magazines—I have always loved the written word

Many people hear magazine and only think of the many talented editors, writers and designers who work at magazines. But I run marketing on the business side of the brand which means my team and I are part of the advertising sales operation. We get to do all kinds events, digital marketing, and even create content all in partnership with our advertisers. One of the best things about it is that every day is different, which keeps me on my toes.

2. How many years have you participated in Write_On? How did you hear about it and what interested you in participating?

I’m psyched to say that this is the first year I have participated in Write_On! It all started with an idea for a monthlong Instagram project during National Card and Letter Writing Month. Then I turned to my good friend Google for some ideas to help keep my posts interesting. That’s when I came across, submitted my request for a free Write_On Kit, and the rest, as they say, is history.

3. What does your letter-writing practice look like? How often do you write, what types of letters do you most like to write, and how do you make time for writing in your busy schedule?

I wish I could say I have a letter-writing practice. That is what I am hoping this time participating in Write_On helps me jump start. Before April, I would typically write a note or letter about once a month. My goal is to get that up to once a week.

4. How's it going? How many letters have you written this month? Are you trying to write daily?

Honestly, I am a bit behind on my 30 letters in 30 days goal. My National Card and Letter Writing Month will probably stretch into May. But, I have been having a great time doing it. And that's what is most important to me about it.

5. What do you find most difficult about writing a letter?

Sitting down to write isn’t too hard for me. My big challenge is staying engaged beyond the first few sentences. I write much more slowly than I type. And so I have to remind myself to take my time and enjoy the process of actually handwriting the note. If I am writing a longer letter, it sometimes helps to complete the letter in a few sittings instead of trying to force it all onto the page at once.

6. What's been your favorite thing about Write_On so far and do you think it will change your letter-writing practice in the months or years to come?

I have really enjoyed the comments and encouragement I’ve received from so many of my friends, family, and even coworkers. Because I post about my letter writing on social media, I have received a note from a college friend who I haven’t seen in more than a year. One of my co-workers left me a clever handwritten note in my snail mailbox at work. And every couple days a coworker or friend somehow brings it up in conversation.

Once I wrap up the campaign, I know my letter writing pace will slow down. But taking part in Write_On has reminded me how much I enjoy the process and the connections it fosters with other people. It’s a fun form of personal networking. And I get to play with cards and paper, which I love.

7. How have hand-written letters shaped your life and relationships?

One of my favorite memories about hand-written letters is a summer I spent during high school corresponding with a good friend who was backpacking through Europe. This was before email so letters or very expensive phone calls were the only way we could stay in touch. Both of us would string our letters together over the course of several days before we would drop them in the mail. I remember how much I enjoyed reading her letters and hearing about all her adventures. It's also fun to go back through the letters and remember those times.

8. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received about letter-writing?

There are two pieces of advice on this topic that have always stuck with me. First, you have to just do it (as the famous slogan says). Don't worry that your note will be too short or that it has been too long a time since you have been in touch with someone. And second, as my parents always taught me, everyone loves receiving a handwritten note or letter. It is always going to be more personal, and probably more memorable for the recipient, than an email or a text.

9. What’s the next letter you’re planning to write?

I’m planning to send a note to two good friends who are getting married this fall. Their beautiful save the date arrived in the mail recently and I happen to have a card from that is perfect for the occasion.

Putting Pen to Paper

Our friends at Mac & Murphy in Charleston have joined us in taking the Write_On challenge. We asked them to share a bit about what letter-writing means to them in this age of mostly electronic communication. Thanks ladies!

AMI --
I was in my early 20s when email became the norm for everyday communication. I even have the email from my now husband when he reached out the morning after our first date.  One day, it occurred to me that all of a sudden everyone stopped writing. Suddenly, all of our personal interactions, every single thing we say, think and feel, is being documented in social media with absolutely no foundation for preservation.  By choosing to put everything into text, email, facebook, twitter, snapchat, etc… there will be absolutely no record of our relationships. No history of friendships, love, heartbreak, loss, gain....nothing to show for our lives or to tell the story to the next generations of our family. And that is a very sad thing.

For me, the #write_on campaign champions our mission at mac & murphy to "spread the love". Put pen to paper and tell someone how you feel about them. Spread love, encouragement, support and put some plain old good vibes out into the world.

LIZ --
Dear Elizabeth, Lizzie, Aunt Lizzie, Sweetie, Sunshine...the start to all of my best memories and letters.  I can still hear my mom say the words that she wrote so eloquently when I was growing up. I still find myself going back to re-read all of my letters, notes and memories.  Now, I hope to pass that along and remind all of my favorite people in my life what they mean to me with the perfect note so that maybe one day they can go back to that memory and smile.

I love texting just like the rest of us, but the joy + love I can spread by putting my pen to paper to create an authentic and real emotion - that's the good stuff.   Put good energy out in this universe and it will come right to ya ten times over.  Then when you get that perfect love note...Instagram it :)! Get that favorite pen of yours and WRITE_ON!

Writing a letter is so personal. I am definitely a fan of social media and catch myself on it multiple times a day but there is little emotion and sometimes truth behind a post on Instagram or Twitter. Writing a letter to someone you love allows you to step away from the world. It allows you to put all you feelings on a piece of paper that will be kept and cherished.

I have a huge box full of paper; letters, invitations, notes from others, etc. Nothing lifts my spirits more than going through that box and feeling loved. Writing letters of thankfulness, love, encouragement or just to say hi should be an activity in everyone person's life. Love others well and WRITE_ON!


The Art of Correspondence

Last year, Kirk and Eva Jorgensen of Sycamore Street Press formed N Ø R R film with Jenner Brown and Meta Coleman. Together, they made a short film that explores the art of correspondence. They wanted to celebrate the art of sending hand-written letters. There's something so intimate about receiving a tangible letter. The feel, the smell, the words... Sometimes you can say more in a letter than you could even say in person.

Designer Q&A: People I've Loved

I have a box. One where when I am feeling down, I go to. It has all of my old love letters, letters from my parents, from my grandparents, etc. I feel like a bit of their being/energy has been transferred to this bit of paper that I am soothed by almost like they were holding me.

We sat down with Carissa of People I've Loved and asked her a few questions about how she got started and where she see the future of letter-writing heading. Be sure to check out the rest of our Designer Q&As after this. 

Write_On: Tell us about yourself!  What’s your background and what drew you to design cards and stationery?

Carissa: Both Heather and I have backgrounds in conceptual art, basically we were taught to think about content before beauty. I don’t know I agree with that anymore totally, but I started to think about how stationarity could be like little mini performance art works. IE we could design interactions that would at heart bring people closer together. I think I have been a person who often feels lost and alone, and made work to express that. It was a natural next step, to make objects that would help promote community, relationships and communication - communicating is something I need help with all the time.

Write_On: How would you describe your design aesthetic?

Carissa: Like a four-year old could do it. With content that you might not want to tell your mother about. But I tell my mother most everything, so maybe that is not so true.

Write_On:  How do you use your designs to inspire people to connect in writing?

Carissa: They are all pretty much prompts (verbal and visual) to express gratitude, open up to someone, to make you feel good about life, hopefully. I like to think that we use personal experiences as representations of universal human emotions/feelings.

Write_On:  What does your process look like for creating a new card or stationery design?

Carissa: Depends on the day. And if the sun is shining. Journaling. Talking it out. Then painting, drawing, then scanning the drawing, then printing film, then making plates, then printing! FINALLY. My gosh.

Write_On: How have hand-written letters shaped your life and relationships?

Carissa: I have a box. One where when I am feeling down, I go to. It has all of my old love letters, letters from my parents, from my grandparents, etc. I feel like a bit of their being/energy has been transferred to this bit of paper that I am soothed by almost like they were holding me.

Write_On: What do you find most difficult about writing a letter?

Carissa: Spelling.

Write_On: What does your letter-writing practice look like?

Carissa: Mine, at this point in my life is mainly about being thankful. Since I don’t live close to any of my family members it is about maintaining our connection over vast amounts of space and time.

Write_On: Modern times have made digital correspondence increasingly available and convenient. Why is it important for people to send handwritten cards and letters?

Carissa: For me, it is a feelling. Even tho I am a computer user, I still love stuff. I love touching things, smelling things, and seeing colors in real life.

Write_On: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received about letter-writing?

Carissa: I am not sure I have received any advice. Mainly that I just love receiving stuff in the mail and I love sending stuff. It is so magical.

Write_On:  What’s the next letter you’re planning to write?

Carissa: To my grandmother. I try to write her once a week. Her health has been in question as of late. She is my special person. I always felt like I connected with her in a way that I could with no one else. She made me feel safe, loved, and beautiful. I was so upset when I found out that all of my cousins feel the same way about her. Can one person be so special to many? I suppose so, but I don’t have to like it.

Q&A with Future Stella, I Love You

While emojis are awesome and I hope to one day be fluent in them so I can communicate with my future child, they are not a replacement for our actual feelings for the ones in our lives we care the most about.

We sat down with Shelby Cowell, author of Future Stella, I love You, an online diary of letters written for her daughter with the intentions of being read in 20 years. We asked her a few questions about what inspired her to start writing to future Stella and the importance of it.

Write_On:  How did you get the idea to start writing letters to Stella? What was the first letter you ever wrote to her? 

Shelby:  I started writing to her because I have always been curious about my own childhood and what went on day to day. For instance, I would pay serious coin to see what the inside of our fridge looked like when I was 5.  My mom doesn't remember that stuff at all and I thought Future Stella would love to read about the details of her early life authentically and not through the edited stories that happen when many years have passed. My first letter I wrote to her was in November of 2013 and I described to her in detail what a typical lazy Sunday looked like with Current Stella and her morning routine.  I also told her about some words that she can't say properly that make me laugh (tum instead of tongue).  Even now,  when I read the letter the details are not fresh and many have been forgotten so I know it would have never made it to the future.

Write_On:  Your letters are hilarious. What is your writing process like? Where do you find your inspiration? When and where do you write, and how often do you write?

Shelby:  First of all thank you, but honestly, you can't make this stuff up!  Kids are hilarious.  I dedicate Tuesdays to writing and I usually start by flipping through my camera on my phone to remind me of the past week's moments. I like to write at a night with a glass of wine but sometimes thats not realistic so I write wherever.  There is a coffee shop near my house that for whatever reason, gets my juices flowing like nowhere else.  Most weeks there are too many funny things to include all of it, so I would say Im never short on material.  Our family dynamic is pretty funny and I have a husband that cracks me up and his relationship with Current Stella is so damn delicious that I feel compelled to document it.

Write_On:  It seems like your letters are as much for you as they are for her. How have your letters helped you gain perspective on being a parent? 

Shelby:  You pretty much nailed it on the head.  First of all, just writing out some of the fights we have gotten in has been like therapy.  Suddenly, I see where she was coming from or where I could have handled it better for next time.  Its also kind of a big deal to write things about someone you care about that not only is getting put on the internet, but will be re-read by the adult you are typing about. 

Write_On:  What is the hardest thing about writing letters to Stella?

Shelby:  Lately, it has been hard for me to be authentic knowing other people are reading the letters.  Strangers are fine, but a lot of my family reads them religiously and I want to bitch to Future Stella about my family and I can't because I know they will read it.  I now have a journal I keep by my bed where I write her an actual letter filled with the family gossip.  The goal is for Stella to end up my best friend and so I can't leave out the fact that Grandma actually drives me insane.  Thats just not what friends do.

Write_On:  What was your letter-writing habit like before you started writing to Stella?  Has the project inspired you to write letters to anyone else?

Shelby:  Ha.  I never wrote letters, ever.  When I was in high school I would write our family's Christmas letter and people still talk about them.  Even back then, producing highly sarcastic material that was equally sentimental was my jam.  I can't ever just say I love someone without roasting them first.  It's kind of my specialty. That's essentially what I am doing to Stella. 
My blog has not inspired me to write anyone else letters, but you guys have!  I used all the cards in my write_on gift bag and it felt so good.  Its definitely going to be a regular thing for me.  

Write_On:  When do you think you'll start reading the letters to her?  How do you think she'll respond?

Shelby:  Future Stella is slated to read the first one in 2035. She will be 25.  The 20's are just a mess and I hope the letters help her navigate through it. My intention is for her to get a kick out of it, truly understand my deep love for her, and recognize components of her personality that have been consistent since she was little so she can really own them.  So far, her sense of humor is not exactly what I would call dry or sarcastic so I am a bit worried she will be offended and not get it. 

Write_On:  What advice would you give to someone who is looking to start writing more letters?

Shelby:  Don't put them on the internet!  Just kidding. Kind of. Writing a letter to someone you care about is so meaningful.  I looked back at my text messages to my dad, who happens to be my personal hero, and our conversation has been reduced to emojis and one word responses.  This is my hero!!! While emojis are awesome and I hope to one day be fluent in them so I can communicate with my future child, they are not a replacement for our actual feelings for the ones in our lives we care the most about.  Only our words on paper can convey it and writing it down is the only way to make it last forever. 

More on her blog-

Write_On Challenge Update: Adidas

It’s been such a great feeling to bring a stack to mail out every few days!

This year Adidas is taking the Write_On challenge and we checked in with some of the participants to see how it's going!

They broke into teams of 5. The team that writes the most letters in a month wins a prize bag. People have been sending emails to each other to check in on how many letters they have written and give encouragement.

Rachel is a designer at Adidas and this is her 3rd year taking the Write_On challenge. She's gaining steam! The first year she'd written 11 and then 18. This year she's shooting for 30 or more. 

"I like to write letters in groups. I sit and make a list of people to write and write 5-10 at a time. I really find the time to be soothing and get me out of my daily stresses. It always feels good to send them off; like little floating wishes that arrive at people’s doorsteps. It feels a bit magical and mysterious. I find the campaign to be a time to reconnect and start communication again with dear friends I have lost touch with. In that sense it has been good."

Amanda is another avid letter-writer and on an opposing team to Rachel's. She told us that "one of my new year’s resolutions for 2016 was to write more letters, and my goal has been to write 10 a month, which seemed like a lot, but I’ve found I enjoy it so much I tend to send even more than that."

Nice work Adidas! We get the sense that a little friendly competition helps to keep the letters going and we hope more companies will see the many values in making letter-writing a part of their culture.