Hello August, when did you get here? This month's post provides an inside look at what Write_On partner, Hello!Lucky is up to this summer. Read on for tips and inspiration to keep your writing strong all summer long!
Eunice Moyle of Hello!Lucky constructing a card inspired by the Happy Mail book
Sabrina Moyle of Hello!Lucky writing a letter to summer pen pal, Andie
Does anyone else romanticize summer? Turns out it’s not all sunscreen and s’mores...or if it is, please share your secret! It’s time to slow down and soak it up. One way we like to pump the brakes is by writing to our friends and family. We’ve created the Summer Pen Pal Challenge to help you recharge and reconnect. To get the creative juices flowing, check out the new Happy Mail tab on our website for pro tips, tricks and inspiration! You'll find FREE downloadable letter-writing prompts, coloring pages, stickers, and hand-lettering practice pages like these...
Andie and Lyla, our summer pen pals!
Join our Summer Pen Pal Challenge and be entered to win a copy of Happy Mail and Sakura of America pens! Check-in with us at the end of summer and let us know how your pen pal experience went and you’ll automatically enter to win!
Send letters here by September 1st:
Hello!Lucky | P.O Box 170605 | San Francisco, CA | 94117
For more inspiration, follow us on Instagram- @helloluckycards! We're sharing all kinds of ideas through our Instagram story and our #summerofhappymail campaign!
Happy Mail is more than just writing, it’s an art! Hand-lettering is easy to dive into, even for new artists, and Happy Mail is here to take your DIY projects to the next level! Now accepting preorders! Find out more about the book here.