Let Freedom Write!
Today is the 4th of July. Backyards fill with smoke from the grill, wedges of watermelon chill in buckets on the lawn, and American flag themed sheet cakes with bright blueberry stars and broad raspberry stripes are the norm. When night falls, the dark sky erupts in flame and boom, and we celebrate our independence.
Egg Press' Lady Liberty Postcard Set shines a light on friendship, freedom, hope, and democracy.
With liberty as our beacon, the Write_On team is taking this time to pay homage to one of our most cherished freedoms — speech — in a more quiet way, by writing letters. The privilege to put onto paper our truths and send them into the world without being intercepted while en route (this was not necessarily the case prior to the establishment of the United States Postal Service that we know and love today * ) allows us to share knowledge and become informed, educated humans, family members, friends, and citizens of the world.
When we send our letters — not only to loved ones — but to civic leaders and influencers, our voices have the opportunity to be heard, and to make a difference; our words possess the power to shape the world.
So, on this 4th of July, we invite you to consider your freedom to write. What is it that you have to say? Who needs to hear it? Whatever it is, may freedom ring, in every word.
What will your Freedom Letters looks like? Here are some ideas to get you started. Why not write...
- A letter to an elected official to thank them for their work, or to advocate for change.
- A thank you to a mentor who bolstered your sense of self worth by helping you discover your own unique voice.
- A letter to yourself; a confession of the ways in which you wish you felt more free.
- A letter to the Write_On team. You know we love hearing from you, and are eager to know what freedoms you most cherish.
* Roman Mars “ The Revolutionary Post” Podcast. 99% Invisible. Episode 244. January 24, 2017.